May 30, 2024Progress Flowmon 12.3.5 Local sudo Privilege Escalation

This Metasploit module abuses a feature of the sudo command on Progress Flowmon. Certain binary files are allowed to automatically elevate with the sudo command. This is based off of the file name. This includes executing a PHP command with a specific fil

May 30, 2024Akaunting 3.1.8 Client-Side Template Injection

Akaunting version 3.1.8 suffers from a client-side template injection vulnerability.

May 30, 2024Akaunting 3.1.8 Server-Side Template Injection

Akaunting version 3.1.8 suffers from a server-side template injection vulnerability.

May 30, 2024ORing IAP-420 2.01e Cross Site Scripting / Command Injection

ORing IAP-420 version 2.01e suffers from remote command injection and persistent cross site scripting vulnerabilities.

May 29, 2024Flowmon Unauthenticated Command Injection

This Metasploit module exploits an unauthenticated command injection vulnerability in Progress Flowmon versions before v12.03.02.

May 28, 2024Eclipse ThreadX Buffer Overflows

Eclipse ThreadX versions prior to 6.4.0 suffers from a missing array size check causing a memory overwrite, missing parameter checks leading to integer wraparound, under allocations, heap buffer overflows, and more.

May 28, 2024HAWKI 1.0.0-beta.1 XSS / File Overwrite / Session Fixation

HAWKI version 1.0.0-beta.1 before commit 146967f suffers from cross site scripting, arbitrary file overwrite, and session fixation vulnerabilities.

May 28, 2024Siemens CP-XXXX Series Exposed Serial Shell

Siemens CP-XXXX Series (CP-2014, CP-2016, CP-2017, CP-2019, CP-5014) expose serial shells on multiple PLCs. A serial interface can be accessed with physical access to the PCB. After connecting to the interface, access to a shell with various debug functio

May 27, 2024ElkArte Forum 1.1.9 Remote Code Execution

ElkArte Forum version 1.1.9 suffers from a remote code execution vulnerability.

May 24, 2024Jcow Social Network Cross Site Scripting

Jcow Social Networking versions 14.2 up to 16.2.1 suffer from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

  • All Exploits 4095
  • Remote Code Execution
  • SQL Injection
  • Command Injection
  • Local File Inclusion
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Denial Of Service
  • Authentication Bypass
  • Buffer Overflow