July 17, 2022Zenbuster - Multi-threaded URL Enumeration/Brute-Forcing Tool

ZenBuster is a multi-threaded, multi-platform URL enumeration tool written in Python by Zach Griffin (@0xTas). I wrote this tool as a way to deepen my familiarity with...

July 16, 2022Kubeaudit - Tool To Audit Your Kubernetes Clusters Against Common Security Controls

kubeaudit is a command line tool and a Go package to audit Kubernetes clusters for various different security concerns, such as: run as non-root...

July 15, 2022Dumpscan - Tool To Extract And Dump Secrets From Kernel And Windows Minidump Formats

Dumpscan is a command-line tool designed to extract and dump secrets from kernel and Windows Minidump formats. Kernel-dump parsing is provided by volatility3. Features ...

July 14, 2022Trufflehog - Find Credentials All Over The Place

TruffleHog Find leaked credentials. Join The Slack Have questions? Feedback? Jump in slack and hang out with us https://join.slack.com/t/trufflehog-community/shared_invite/zt-pw2qbi43-Aa86hkiimstfdKH9UCpPzQ ...

July 13, 2022Bypass-Url-Parser - Tool That Tests Many URL Bypasses To Reach A 40X Protected Page

Tool that tests MANY url bypasses to reach a 40X protected page. If you wonder why this code is nothing but a dirty curl wrapper, here's why:...

July 12, 2022WebView2-Cookie-Stealer - Attacking With WebView2 Applications

Please read this blog post to get more information. Source Code This code is a modified version of Microsoft's WebView2 Code. The current code can be...

July 11, 2022Tofu - Windows Offline Filesystem Hacking Tool For Linux

A modular tool for hacking offline Windows filesystems and bypassing login screens. Can do hashdumps, OSK-Backdoors, user enumeration and more. How it works : ...

July 10, 2022Secretflow - A Unified Framework For Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis And Machine Learning

SecretFlow is a unified framework for privacy-preserving data intelligence and machine learning. To achieve this goal, it provides: An abstract device layer consists of...

July 9, 2022Pamspy - Credentials Dumper For Linux Using eBPF

pamspy leverage eBPF technologies to achieve an equivalent work of 3snake. It will track a particular userland function inside the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) library, used by...

July 8, 2022Haxx - Untethered + Unsandboxed Code Execution Haxx As Root On iOS 14 - iOS 14.8.1

Untethered + Unsandboxed code execution haxx as root on iOS 14 - iOS 14.8.1. Based on CoreTrustDemo, also please note that certificates are not copyrightable. Usage...

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