September 18, 2022FISSURE - Frequency Independent SDR-based Signal Understanding and Reverse Engineering

Frequency Independent SDR-based Signal Understanding and Reverse EngineeringFISSURE is an open-source RF and reverse engineering framework designed for all skill levels with hooks for signal detection and classification, protocol discovery,...

September 17, 2022DeathSleep - A PoC Implementation For An Evasion Technique To Terminate The Current Thread And Restore It Before Resuming Execution, While Implementing Page Protection Changes During No Execution

A PoC implementation for an evasion technique to terminate the current thread and restore it before resuming execution, while implementing page protection changes during no execution.IntroSleep and obfuscation methods are...

September 16, 2022XLL_Phishing - XLL Phishing Tradecraft

With Microsoft's recent announcement regarding the blocking of macros in documents originating from the internet (email AND web download), attackers have began aggressively exploring other options to achieve user driven...

September 15, 2022SharpImpersonation - A User Impersonation Tool - Via Token Or Shellcode Injection

This was a learning by doing project from my side. Well known techniques are used to built just another impersonation tool with some improvements in comparison to other public tools....

September 14, 2022SDomDiscover - A Easy-To-Use Python Tool To Perform DNS Recon

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September 12, 2022PersistenceSniper - Powershell Script That Can Be Used By Blue Teams, Incident Responders And System Administrators To Hunt Persistences Implanted In Windows Machines

PersistenceSniper is a Powershell script that can be used by Blue Teams, Incident Responders and System Administrators to hunt persistences implanted in Windows machines. The script is also available on...

September 11, 2022Nim-RunPE - A Nim Implementation Of Reflective PE-Loading From Memory

A Nim implementation of reflective PE-Loading from memory. The base for this code was taken from RunPE-In-Memory - which I ported to Nim.You'll need to install the following dependencies:nimble install...

September 10, 2022GraphCrawler - GraphQL Automated Security Testing Toolkit

Graph Crawler is the most powerful automated testing toolkit for any GraphQL endpoint.NEW: Can search for endpoints for you using Escape Technology's powerful Graphinder tool. Just point it towards a...

September 9, 2022Gohide - Tunnel Port To Port Traffic Over An Obfuscated Channel With AES-GCM Encryption

Tunnel port to port traffic via an obfuscated channel with AES-GCM encryption.Obfuscation ModesSession Cookie HTTP GET (http-client)Set-Cookie Session Cookie HTTP/2 200 OK (http-server)WebSocket Handshake "Sec-WebSocket-Key" (websocket-client)WebSocket Handshake "Sec-WebSocket-Accept" (websocket-server)No obfuscation,...

September 8, 2022ForceAdmin - Create Infinite UAC Prompts Forcing A User To Run As Admin

ForceAdmin is a c# payload builder, creating infinate UAC pop-ups until the user allows the program to be ran. The inputted commands are ran via powershell calling cmd.exe and should...

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