February 23, 2022Flare-Qdb - Command-line And Python Debugger For Instrumenting And Modifying Native Software Behavior On Windows And Linux

flare-qdb is a command-line and scriptable Python-based tool for evaluating and manipulating native program state. It uses Vivisect to set a breakpoint on each queried...

February 23, 2022Shellcodetester - An Application To Test Windows And Linux Shellcodes

This tools test generated ShellCodes. Usage Exemple ShellCode Tester Linux Instalation ...

February 23, 2022Kali Linux 2022.1 - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Linux Distribution

Time for another Kali Linux release! ? Kali Linux 2022.1. This release has various impressive updates.The summary of the changelog since the 2021.4 release from December...

February 23, 2022FakeLogonScreen - Fake Windows Logon Screen To Steal Passwords

FakeLogonScreen is a utility to fake the Windows logon screen in order to obtain the user's password. The password entered is validated against the Active Directory or local...

February 23, 2022Macrome - Excel Macro Document Reader/Writer For Red Teamers And Analysts

An Excel Macro Document Reader/Writer for Red Teamers & Analysts. Blog posts describing what this tool actually does can be found here and here. Installation / Building...

February 23, 2022Snaffler - A Tool For Pentesters To Help Find Delicious Candy

Snaffler is a tool for pentesters to help find delicious candy needles (creds mostly, but it's flexible) in a bunch of horrible boring haystacks (a massive Windows/AD environment)....

February 23, 2022Njsscan - A Semantic Aware SAST Tool That Can Find Insecure Code Patterns In Your Node.js Applications

njsscan is a static application testing (SAST) tool that can find insecure code patterns in your node.js applications using simple pattern matcher from libsast and syntax-aware semantic code...

February 23, 2022Boko - Application Hijack Scanner For macOS

boko.py is an application scanner for macOS that searches for and identifies potential dylib hijacking and weak dylib vulnerabilities for application executables, as well as scripts an...

February 23, 2022SharpCookieMonster - Extracts Cookies From Chrome

This is a Sharp port of @defaultnamehere's cookie-crimes module - full credit for their awesome work! This C# project will dump cookies for all sites, even those...

February 23, 2022Talisman - By Hooking Into The Pre-Push Hook Provided By Git, Talisman Validates The Outgoing Changeset For Things That Look Suspicious

A tool to detect and prevent secrets from getting checked in What is Talisman? Talisman is a tool that installs a hook to your repository to...

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