February 23, 2022TrojanSourceFinder - Help Find Trojan Source Vulnerability In Code

TrojanSourceFinder helps developers detect "Trojan Source" vulnerability in source code. Trojan Source vulnerability allows an attacker to make malicious code appear innocent. In general, the attacker tries...

February 23, 2022MultiPotato - Another Potato to get SYSTEM via SeImpersonate privileges

First of all - credit to @splinter_code & @decoder_it for RoguePotato as this code heavily bases on it.This is just another Potato to get SYSTEM via SeImpersonate privileges. But this...

February 23, 2022SQLbit - Just Another Script For Automatize Boolean-Based Blind SQL Injections

A script for automatize boolean-based blind SQL injections. Works with SQLite at least, supports using cookies. It uses bitwise comparisons with multithreading to find cell values instead of binary search,...

February 23, 2022Spray365 - Makes Spraying Microsoft Accounts (Office 365 / Azure AD) Easy Through Its Customizable Two-Step Password Spraying Approach

Spray365 is a password spraying tool that identifies valid credentials for Microsoft accounts (Office 365 / Azure AD). How is Spray365 different from the many other password spraying tools that...

February 23, 2022Spamscanner - Spam Scanner Is The Best Anti-Spam, Email Filtering, And Phishing Prevention Service

Spam Scanner is the best anti-spam, email filtering, and phishing prevention service. Spam Scanner is a drop-in replacement and the best alternative to SpamAssassin, rspamd, SpamTitan, and more.ForewordSpam...

February 23, 2022NimHollow - Nim Implementation Of Process Hollowing Using Syscalls (PoC)

Playing around with the Process Hollowing technique using Nim.Features:Direct syscalls for triggering Windows Native API functions with NimlineWhispers.Shellcode encryption/decryption with AES in CTR mode.Simple sandbox detection methods from the OSEP...

February 23, 2022Onionservice - Manage Your Onion Services Via CLI Or TUI On Unix-like Operating System With A POSIX Compliant Shell

Feature-rich Onion Service manager for UNIX-like operating systems written in POSIX conformant shellscriptA collection of Onion Services features implemented for Unix-like systems following the Portable Operating System Interface standard.WARNING: do...

February 23, 2022SourceLeakHacker - A Multi Threads Web Application Source Leak Scanner

SourceLeakHacker is a muilt-threads web directories scanner.Installationpip install -r requirements.txtUsage?dictionary scale --output OUTPUT output folder, default: result/YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss --threads THREADS,...

February 23, 2022Snap-Scraper - Snap Scraper Enables Users To Download Media Uploaded To Snapchat's Snap Map Using A Set Of Latitude And Longitude Coordinates

Snap Scraper is an open source intelligence tool which enables users to download media uploaded to Snapchat's Snap Map using a set of latitude and longitiude co-ordinates. This project is...

February 23, 2022Top 20 Most Popular Hacking Tools in 2021

As last year, this year we made a ranking with the most popular tools between January and December 2021. Topics of the tools focus...

Bugbounty Cybersecurity Devsecops Dfir Distribution golang Information Gathering Infosec Kali Kali Linux Kerberos Linux Malware Analysis Malware Detection Microsoft mimikatz msfvenom NTLM OSINT Payload Penetration Testing Pentest Tool Pentesting Post Exploitation PowerShell Privilege Escalation Processes Python Python3 Recon Reconnaissance Red Team Red Teaming Redteam Redteam Tools Remote Research Reverse Engineering Scan Scanner Scanning Scripts Security Security Tools Shellcode SMB Spoofing SSH Static Analysis Subdomain Syscalls Testing Threat Hunting Threat Intelligence Toolkit Traffic Username vulnerabilities Vulnerability Vulnerability Scanners Vulnerable Win32 Windows Windows 10 Wireshark Wordlist XSS Yara Blueteam Subdomains Windows Defender Wrapper Redteaming Techniques