NTFSTool is a forensic tool focused on NTFS volumes. It supports reading partition info (mbr, partition table, vbr) but also information on bitlocker encrypted volume, EFS encrypted files and more.

See below for some examples of the features!



NTFSTool displays the complete structure of master boot record, volume boot record, partition table and MFT file record. It is also possible to dump any file (even $mft or SAM) or parse USN journals, LogFile including streams from Alternate Data Stream (ADS). The undelete command will search for any file record marked as "not in use" and allow you to retrieve the file (or part of the file if it was already rewritten). It support input from image file or live disk but you can also use tools like OSFMount to mount your disk image. Sparse and compressed files are also supported.

Bitlocker support

For bitlocked partition, it can display FVE records, check a password and key (bek, password, recovery key), extract VMK and FVEK. There is no bruteforce feature because GPU-based cracking is better (see Bitcracker and Hashcat) but you can get the hash for these tools.

EFS support

In the current version, masterkeys, private keys and certificates can be listed, displayed and decrypted using needed inputs (SID, password). Certificates with private keys can be exported using the backup command. Reinmport the backup on another machine to be able to read your encrypted file again!

More information on Mimikatz Wiki

Decryption of EFS encrypted files is coming!


There is a limited shell with few commands (exit, cd, ls, cat, pwd, cp).

Help & Examples

Help command displays description and examples for each command. Options can be entered as decimal or hex number with "0x" prefix (ex: inode).

ntfstool help [command]
infoDisplay information for all disks and volumes
mbrDisplay MBR structure, code and partitions for a disk
gptDisplay GPT structure, code and partitions for a disk
vbrDisplay VBR structure and code for a specidifed volume (ntfs, fat32, fat1x, bitlocker supported)
extractExtract a file from a volume.
imageCreate an image file of a disk or volume.
mftDisplay FILE record details for a specified MFT inode. Almost all attribute types supported
btreeDisplay VCN content and Btree index for an inode
bitlockerDisplay detailed information and hash ($bitlocker$) for all VMK. It is possible to test a password or recovery key. If it is correct, the decrypted VMK and FVEK is displayed.
bitdecryptDecrypt a volume to a file using password, recovery key or bek.
efs.backupExport EFS keys in PKCS12 (pfx) format.
efs.certificateList, display and export system certificates (SystemCertificates/My/Certificates).
efs.keyList, display, decrypt and export private keys (Crypto/RSA).
efs.masterkeyList, display and decrypt masterkeys (Protect).
fveDisplay information for the specified FVE block (0, 1, 2)
reparseParse and display reparse points from $Extend$Reparse.
logfileDump $LogFile file in specified format: csv, json, raw.
usnDump $UsnJrnl file in specified format: csv, json, raw.
shadowList volume shadow snapshots from selected disk and volume.
streamsDisplay Alternate Data Streams
undeleteSearch and extract deleted files for a volume.
shellStart a mini Unix-like shell
smartDisplay S.M.A.R.T data

  • Some unsupported cases. WIP.
  • No documentation

Feel free to open an issue or ask for a new feature!


Vcpkg is the best way to install required third-party libs.

Install vcpkg as described here: vcpkg#getting-started

git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg

Integrate it to your VisualStudio env:

vcpkg integrate install

At build time, VisualStudio will detect the vcpkg.json file and install required packages automatically.

Current third-party libs:

  • openssl: OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols.
  • nlohmann-json: JSON for Modern C++
  • distorm: Powerful Disassembler Library For x86/AMD64
  • cppcoro: A library of C++ coroutine abstractions for the coroutines TS.


| Id | Model | Type | Partition | Size |
| 0 | Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB | Fixed SSD | GPT | 500107862016 (465.76 GiBs) |
| 1 | ST2000DM001-1ER164 | Fixed HDD | GPT | 2000398934016 (1.82 TiB) |
| 2 | 15EADS External | Fixed HDD | MBR | 1500301910016 (1.36 TiB) |
| 3 | osfdisk | Fixed HDD | MBR | 536870912 (512.00 MiBs) |
info disk=3
Model       : osfdisk
Version : 1
Serial :
Media Type : Fixed HDD
Size : 536870912 (512.00 MiBs)
Geometry : 512 bytes * 63 sectors * 255 tracks * 65 cylinders
Volume : MBR

| Id | Boot | Label | Mounted | Filesystem | Offset | Size |
| 1 | No | NTFSDRIVE | F:\ | Bitlocker | 0000000000000200 | 000000001ffffe00 (512.00 MiBs) |
info disk=3 volume=1
Serial Number  : 0000aa60-00002eae
Filesystem : Bitlocker
Bootable : False
Type : Fixed
Offset : 512 (512.00 bytes)
Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Free : 519442432 (495.38 MiBs)
Mounted : True (F:\)
Bitlocker : True (Unlocked)

mbr disk=2
MBR from \\.\PhysicalDrive2

Disk signature : e4589462
Reserved bytes : 0000

Partition table :
| Id | Boot | Flags | Filesystem | First sector | Last sector | Offset | Sectors | Size |
| 1 | No | Principal | NTFS / exFAT | 0 2 3 | 255 254 255 | 128 | 16771072 | 8.00 GiBs |

MBR signature : 55aa

[63] : Invalid partition table
[7b] : Error loading operating system
[9a] : Missing operating system

Disassemble Bootstrap Code [y/N] ? y

0000 : 33c0 : xor ax, ax
0002 : 8ed0 : mov ss, ax
0004 : bc007c : mov sp, 0x7c00
0007 : 8ec0 : mov es, ax
0009 : 8ed8 : mov ds, ax
000b : be007c : mov si, 0x7c00
000e : bf0006 : mov di, 0x600
0011 : b90002 : mov cx, 0x200

gpt disk=1
Signature        : EFI PART
Revision : 1.0
Header Size : 92
Header CRC32 : cc72e4d3
Reserved : 00000000
Current LBA : 1
Backup LBA : 3907029167
First Usable LBA : 34
Last Usable LBA : 3907029134
GUID : {a21d6495-cd58-4b8d-b968-dc337adcf6ac}
Entry LBA : 2
Entries Num : 128
Entries Size : 128
Partitions CRC32 : 0c9a0a25

Partition table : 2 entries
| Id | Name | GUID | First sector | Last sector | Flags |
| 1 | Microsoft reserved partition | {da0ac4a1-a78c-4053-bab5-36c70a71fe63} | 34 | 262177 | 000000000000 |
| 2 | Basic data partition | {4b4ea4b3-64a1-4c6d-bd4b-1c2b0e4e706f} | 264192 | 3907028991 | 000000000000 |

vbr disk=3 volume=1
Structure :
Jump : eb5890 (jmp 0x7c5a)
OEM id : -FVE-FS-
BytePerSector : 512
SectorPerCluster : 8
Reserved Sectors : 0
Number of FATs : 0
Root Max Entries : 0
Total Sectors : 0
Media Type : f8
SectorPerFat : 8160
SectorPerTrack : 63
Head Count : 255
FS Offset : 1
Total Sectors : 0
FAT Flags : 0000
FAT Version : 0000
Root Cluster : 0
FS Info Sector : 1
Backup BootSector: 6
Reserved : 00000000
Reserved : 00000000
Reserved : 00000000
Drive Number : 80
Reserved : 00
Ext. Boot Sign : 29
Serial Nuumber : 00000000
Volume Name : NO NAME
FileSystem Type : FAT32
Volume GUID : {4967d63b-2e29-4ad8-8399-f6a339e3d001}
FVE Block 1 : 0000000002100000
FVE Block 2 : 00000000059e4000
FVE Block 3 : 00000000092c8000
End marker : 55aa

[00] : Remove disks or other media. 
[1f] : Disk error 
[2c] : Press any key to restart

Disassemble Bootstrap Code [y/N] ? y

7c5a : eb58 : jmp 0x7cb4
7c5c : 90 : nop
7c5d : 2d4656 : sub ax, 0x5646
7c60 : 45 : inc bp
7c61 : 2d4653 : sub ax, 0x5346
7c64 : 2d0002 : sub ax, 0x200

extract disk=3 volume=1 from=\bob.txt output=d:\bob.txt
Extract file from \\.\PhysicalDrive3 > Volume:1

[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00023d5d-0000-0000-0002-000000000000}\
[-] Source : \bob.txt
[-] Destination : d:\bob.txt
[-] Record Num : 47 (0000002fh)
[+] File extracted (42 bytes written)
extract disk=0 volume=4 --system output=d:\system
Extract file from \\.\PhysicalDrive0 > Volume:4

[+] Opening \\?\Volume{ee732b26-571c-4516-b8fd-32282aa8e66b}\
[-] Source : c:\windows\system32\config\system
[-] Destination : d:\system
[-] Record Num : 623636 (00098414h)
[+] File extracted (19398656 bytes written)

image disk=2 volume=2 output=d:\imagevol.raw
Image from \\.\PhysicalDrive2 > Volume:2

[+] Opening \\?\Volume{f095dd1d-f302-4d17-bf68-7cc8c1de3965}\
[-] Size : 33520128 (31.97 MiBs)
[-] BlockSize: 4096
[+] Copying : [################################] 100% 0s
[+] Done
image disk=2 output=d:\image.raw
Image from \\.\PhysicalDrive2

[+] Opening \\.\PhysicalDrive2
[-] Size : 67108864 (64.00 MiBs)
[-] BlockSize: 4096
[+] Copying : [################################] 100% 0s
[+] Done

mft disk=2 volume=1 inode=5 (root folder)
Created Time : 2009-12-02 02:03:31 | | | | | | Last File Write Time : 2020-02-24 19:42:23 | | | | | | FileRecord Changed Time : 2020-02-24 19:42:23 | | | | | | Last Access Time : 2020-02-24 19:42:23 | | | | | | Permissions : | | | | | | read_only : 0 | | | | | | hidden : 1 | | | | | | system : 1 | | | | | | device : 0 | | | | | | normal : 0 | | | | | | temporary : 0 | | | | | | sparse : 0 | | | | | | reparse_point : 0 | | | | | | compressed : 0 | | | | | | offline : 0 | | | | | | not_indexed : 1 | | | | | | encrypted : 0 | | | | | | Max Number of Versions : 0 | | | | | | Version Number : 0 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | $FILE_NAME | False | 68 | Parent Dir Record Index : 5 | | | | | | Parent Dir Sequence Num : 5 | | | | | | File Created Time : 2009-12-02 02:03:31 | | | | | | Last File Write Time : 2011-12-24 03:13:12 | | | | | | FileRecord Changed Time : 2011-12-24 03:13:12 | | | | | | Last Access Time : 1970-01-01 00:59:59 | | | | | | Allocated Size : 0 | | | | | | Real Size : 0 | | | | | | ------ | | | | | | Name : . | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | $OBJECT_ID | False | 16 | Object Unique ID : {cce8fec5-9a29-11df-be68-0017f29 | | | | | | 8268d} | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | $INDEX_ROOT | False | 152 | Attribute Type : 00000030h | | | | | | Collation Rule : 1 | | | | | | Index Alloc Entry Size : 4096 | | | | | | Cluster/Index Record : 1 | | | | | | ----- | | | | | | First Entry Offset : 16 | | | | | | Index Entries Size : 136 | | | | | | Index Entries Allocated : 136 | | | | | | Flags : Large Index | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | $INDEX_ALLOCATION | True | 12288 | Index | | | | | | 0000000000000004 : $AttrDef | | | | | | 0000000000000008 : $BadClus | | | | | | 0000000000000006 : $Bitmap | | | | | | 0000000000000007 : $Boot | | | | | | 000000000000000b : $Extend | | | | | | 0000000000000002 : $LogFile | | | | | | 0000000000000000 : $MFT | | | | | | 0000000000000001 : $MFTMirr | | | | | | 000000000000002d : $RECYCLE.BIN | | | | | | 0000000000000009 : $Secure | | | | | | 000000000000000a : $UpCase | | | | | | 0000000000000003 : $Volume | | | | | | 0000000000000005 : . | | | | | | 000000000000240c : Dir1 | | | | | | 0000000000000218 : Dir2 | | | | | | 000000000000212a : Dir3 | | | | | | 0000000000000024 : Dir4 | | | | | | 0000000000000def : RECYCLER | | | | | | 000000000000001b : System Volume Information | | | | | | 000000000000001b : SYSTEM~1 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | $BITMAP | False | 8 | Index Node Used : 2 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ">
Signature         : FILE
Update Offset : 48
Update Number : 3
$LogFile LSN : 274035114
Sequence Number : 5
Hardlink Count : 1
Attribute Offset : 56
Flags : In_use | Directory
Real Size : 704
Allocated Size : 1024
Base File Record : 0
Next Attribute ID : 56
MFT Record Index : 5
Update Seq Number : 4461
Update Seq Array : 00000000


| Id | Type | Non-resident | Length | Overview |
| 1 | $STANDARD_INFORMATION | False | 72 | File Created Time : 2009-12-02 02:03:31 |
| | | | | Last File Write Time : 2020-02-24 19:42:23 |
| | | | | FileRecord Changed Time : 2020-02-24 19:42:23 |
| | | | | Last Access Time : 2020-02-24 19:42:23 |
| | | | | Permissions : |
| | | | | read_only : 0 |
| | | | | hidden : 1 |
| | | | | system : 1 |
| | | | | device : 0 |
| | | | | normal : 0 |
| | | | | temporary : 0 |
| | | | | sparse : 0 |
| | | | | reparse_point : 0 |
| | | | | compressed : 0 |
| | | | | offline : 0 |
| | | | | not_indexed : 1 |
| | | | | encrypted : 0 |
| | | | | Max Number of Versions : 0 |
| | | | | Version Number : 0 |
| 2 | $FILE_NAME | False | 68 | Parent Dir Record Index : 5 |
| | | | | Parent Dir Sequence Num : 5 |
| | | | | File Created Time : 2009-12-02 02:03:31 |
| | | | | Last File Write Time : 2011-12-24 03:13:12 |
| | | | | FileRecord Changed Time : 2011-12-24 03:13:12 |
| | | | | Last Access Time : 1970-01-01 00:59:59 |
| | | | | Allocated Size : 0 |
| | | | | Real Size : 0 |
| | | | | ------ |
| | | | | Name : . |
| 3 | $OBJECT_ID | False | 16 | Object Unique ID : {cce8fec5-9a29-11df-be68-0017f29 |
| | | | | 8268d} |
| 4 | $INDEX_ROOT | False | 152 | Attribute Type : 00000030h |
| | | | | Collation Rule : 1 |
| | | | | Index Alloc Entry Size : 4096 |
| | | | | Cluster/Index Record : 1 |
| | | | | ----- |
| | | | | First Entry Offset : 16 |
| | | | | Index Entries Size : 136 |
| | | | | Index Entries Allocated : 136 |
| | | | | Flags : Large Index |
| 5 | $INDEX_ALLOCATION | True | 12288 | Index |
| | | | | 0000000000000004 : $AttrDef |
| | | | | 0000000000000008 : $BadClus |
| | | | | 0000000000000006 : $Bitmap |
| | | | | 0000000000000007 : $Boot |
| | | | | 000000000000000b : $Extend |
| | | | | 0000000000000002 : $LogFile |
| | | | | 0000000000000000 : $MFT |
| | | | | 0000000000000001 : $MFTMirr |
| | | | | 000000000000002d : $RECYCLE.BIN |
| | | | | 0000000000000009 : $Secure |
| | | | | 000000000000000a : $UpCase |
| | | | | 0000000000000003 : $Volume |
| | | | | 0000000000000005 : . |
| | | | | 000000000000240c : Dir1 |
| | | | | 0000000000000218 : Dir2 |
| | | | | 000000000000212a : Dir3 |
| | | | | 0000000000000024 : Dir4 |
| | | | | 0000000000000def : RECYCLER |
| | | | | 000000000000001b : System Volume Information |
| | | | | 000000000000001b : SYSTEM~1 |
| 6 | $BITMAP | False | 8 | Index Node Used : 2 |

btree disk=0 volume=1 inode=5 (root folder)
B-tree index (inode:5) from \\.\PhysicalDrive3 > Volume:1


| Id | Type | Non-resident | Length | Overview |
| 1 | $INDEX_ROOT | False | 56 | Attribute Type : Filename |
| | | | | Collation Rule : 1 |
| | | | | Index Alloc Entry Size : 4096 |
| | | | | Cluster/Index Record : 1 |
| | | | | ----- |
| | | | | First Entry Offset : 16 |
| | | | | Index Entries Size : 40 |
| | | | | Index Entries Allocated : 40 |
| | | | | Flags : Large Index |
| 2 | $INDEX_ALLOCATION | True | 20480 | First VCN : 0x000000000000 |
| | | | | Last VCN : 0x000000000004 |


| VCN | Raw address | Size | Entries |
| 000000000000h | 000000024000h | 000000001000h | 000000000004: $AttrDef |
| | | | 000000000008: $BadClus |
| | | | 000000000006: $Bitmap |
| | | | 000000000009: $Secure |
| | | | 00000000000a: $UpCase |
| | | | 000000000003: $Volume |
| 000000000001h | 000000025000h | 000000001000h | 000000000098: randomfile - Copie (5).accdb |
| | | | 000000000097: randomfile - Copie (5).bat |
| | | | 000000000095: randomfile - Copie (5).psd |
| | | | 000000000096: randomfile - Copie (5).txt |
| | | | 00000000009b: randomfile - Copie (6).accdb |
| | | | 000000000083: randomfile.accdb |
| | | | 000000000082: randomfile.bat |
| | | | 000000000084: randomfile.psd |
| | | | 000000000081: randomfile.txt |
| | | | 000000000024: System Volume Information |
| 000000000002h | 0000007d6000h | 000000001000h | |
| 000000000003h | 0000007d7000h | 000000001000h | 000000000005: . |
| | | | 000000000092: randomfile - Copie (4).txt |
| 000000000004h | 0000007d8000h | 000000001000h | 000000000027: random folder |
| | | | 00000000008c: randomfile - Copie (2).accdb |
| | | | 00000000008b: randomfile - Copie (2).bat |
| | | | 000000000089: randomfile - Copie (2).psd |
| | | | 00000000008e: randomfile - Copie (3).txt |
| | | | 000000000094: randomfile - Copie (4).accdb |
| | | | 000000000093: randomfile - Copie (4).bat |
| | | | 000000000091: randomfile - Copie (4).psd |

B-tree index:

|- 000000000000:
|---- VCN: 3
|- 000000000005: .
|---- VCN: 0
|- 000000000004: $AttrDef
|- 000000000008: $BadClus
|- 000000000006: $Bitmap
|- 000000000009: $Secure
|- 00000000000a: $UpCase
|- 000000000003: $Volume
|- 000000000092: randomfile - Copie (4).txt
|---- VCN: 4
|- 000000000027: random folder
|- 00000000008c: randomfile - Copie (2).accdb
|- 00000000008b: randomfile - Copie (2).bat
|- 000000000089: randomfile - Copie (2).psd
|- 000000000094: randomfile - Copie (4).accdb
|- 000000000093: randomfile - Copie (4).bat
|- 000000000091: randomfile - Copie (4).psd
|- 000000000000 (*)
|---- VCN: 1
|- 000000000098: randomfile - Copie (5).accdb
|- 000000000097: randomfile - Copie (5).bat
|- 000000000095: randomfile - Copie (5).psd
|- 000000000084: randomfile.psd
|- 000000000081: randomfile.txt
|- 000000000024: System Volume Information

bitlocker disk=3 volume=1
FVE Version    : 2
Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Algorithm : AES-XTS-128
Timestamp : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

Volume Master Keys:

| Id | Type | GUID | Details |
| 1 | Password | {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86fadd50} | Nonce : 01d5ecbb00f7155000000003 |
| | | | MAC : daea96439babc5d1e7f20c8860ff1ee9 |
| | | | Encrypted Key : b76281568419ec3bee89d1eddccf3169 |
| | | | 59c466b6b392f40f0875e58168d868d7 |
| | | | 0788bd366bec117b11a9fd6e |
| | | | |
| | | | JtR Hash : $bitlocker$1$16$daea96439babc5d1 |
| | | | e7f20c8860ff1ee9$1048576$12$5015 |
| | | | f700bbecd50103000000$60$175ec23c |
| | | | d799e2bde9d24bf3697919feb7628156 |
| | | | 8419ec3bee89d1eddccf316959c466b6 |
| | | | b392f40f0875e58168d868d70788bd36 |
| | | | 6bec117b11a9fd6e |
| 2 | Recovery Password | {19b4a3e2-94b3-452f-a614-6212faeb1b9d} | Nonce : 01d5ecbb00f7155000000006 |
| |