mapXplore PostgreSQL SQLite SQLMap

mapXplore is a modular application that imports data extracted of the sqlmap to PostgreSQL or SQLite database.

Its main features are:

  • Import of information extracted from sqlmap to PostgreSQL or SQLite for subsequent querying.
  • Sanitized information, which means that at the time of import, it decodes or transforms unreadable information into readable information.
  • Search for information in all tables, such as passwords, users, and desired information.
  • Automatic export of information stored in base64, such as:

    • Word, Excel, PowerPoint files
    • .zip files
    • Text files or plain text information
    • Images
  • Filter tables and columns by criteria.

  • Filter by different types of hash functions without requiring prior conversion.
  • Export relevant information to Excel or HTML



  • python-3.11
git clone
cd mapXplore
pip install -r requirements


It is a modular application, and consists of the following:

  • config: It is responsible for configuration, such as the database engine to use, import paths, among others.
  • import: It is responsible for importing and processing the information extracted from sqlmap.
  • query: It is the main module capable of filtering and extracting the required information.
    • Filter by tables
    • Filter by columns
    • Filter by one or more words
    • Filter by one or more hash functions within which are:
      • MD5
      • SHA1
      • SHA256
      • SHA3
      • ....


Allows loading a default configuration at the start of the program

python [--config config.json]


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