Cirrusgo Custom Header Generator Payload Scan

A fast tool to scan SAAS,PAAS App written in Go

SAAS App Support :

  • salesforce
  • contentful (next version)

Note flag -o output not working

install : golang 1.18Ver

go install -v
go install -v


cirrusgo --help
  ______ _                           ______
/ ____/(_)_____ _____ __ __ _____ / ____/____
/ / / // ___// ___// / / // ___// / __ / __ \
/ /___ / // / / / / /_/ /(__ )/ /_/ // /_/ /
\____//_//_/ /_/ \__,_//____/ \____/ \____/ v0.0.1

cirrusgo --help

-u, --url <URL> Define single URL to fuzz
-l, --list Show App List
-c, --check only check endpoint
-V, --version Show current version
-h, --help Display its help

[cirrusgo [app] [options] ..]
cirrusgo salesforce --help

-u, --url <URL> Define single URL
-c, --check only check endpoint
-lobj, --listobj pull the object list.
-gobj --getobj pull the object.
-obj --objects set the object name. Default value is "User" object.
Juicy Objects: Case,Account,User,Contact,Document,Cont
-gre --getrecord pull the Record id.
-re --recordid set the recode id to dump the record
-cw --chkWritable check all Writable objects
-f, --full dump all pages of objects.
-H, --header <HEADER> Pass custom header to target
-proxy, --proxy <URL> Use proxy to fuzz

-o, --output <FILE> File to save results

[flags payload]
[command: cirrusgo salesforce --payload options]
-payload, --payload Generator payload for test manual Default "ObjectList"

GetItems -obj set object
-page set page
-pages set pageSize
GetRecord -re set recoder id
WritableOBJ -obj set object
SearchObj -obj set object
-page set page
-pages set pageSize
AuraContext -fwuid set UID
-App set AppName
-markup set markup
ObjectList no options
Dump no options
-h, --help Display its help

Example :

cirrusgo salesforce -u https://loclhost -gobj


cirrusgo salesforce -u https://localhost/ -f

check Writable Objects:

cirusgo salesforce -u https://localhost/ -cw

Download Cirrusgo