CaptfEncoder Hacking Tool Misc

Captfencoder is an extensible cross platform network security tool suite, providing network security related code conversion, classical cryptography, cryptography, asymmetric encryption, special coding, miscellaneous tools, and aggregating all kinds of online tools.

CaptfEncoder all functions provided are based on plugin framewrok?All plugins are in the program extensions directory.


Method always downloads the executable

Method 2 uses electron operation

Support operating system

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Other...(Support Node.js)

Function introduction

  • Converter

    • Ascii encoding
    • Base64?Base encoding
    • Escape encoding
    • Hex encoding
    • Html entity encoding
    • Morse code
    • Quoted-printable encoding
    • Shellcode encoding
    • Sql encoding
    • Tap Code
    • Unicode encoding
    • Url encoding
  • Classical cipher

    • Rail-fence cipher
    • Atbash cipher
    • Caesar cipher
    • ROT13?ROT series cipher
    • Simple Substitution cipher
    • Hill cipher
    • Polybius Square cipher
    • Playfair cipher
    • Vigenère cipher
    • Autokey cipher
    • Beaufort cipher
    • Running Key cipher
    • Porta cipher
    • Affine cipher
    • Baconian cipher
    • ADFGX cipher
    • ADFGVX cipher
    • Bifid cipher
    • Four-Square cipher
    • Straddle Checkerboard cipher
    • Gronsfeld cipher
  • Cryptology

    • Hash
    • MD5?MD series
    • SHA1?SHA series
    • HMAC
    • Bcrypt
    • Scrypt
    • AES
    • DES
    • 3DES?TripleDES?
    • RC2
    • RC4
    • Rabbit
    • Blowfish
    • SM3
    • SM4
    • RIPEMD
  • Public key cryptography

    • RSA crypto
    • RSA generate key
  • Other encoding

    • JSFuck encoding
    • Jother encoding
    • Brainfuck encoding
    • Ip address encoding
    • Base64 image encoding
    • QR Code
    • Mime encoding
    • CRC encoding
    • Punycode encoding
    • Bubble Babble encoding
    • UUEncode encoding
    • XXEncode encoding
  • Misc

    • File hash
    • File type
    • Hash identification
    • Image exif
    • GIF frame extractor
  • Others(online)

    • Factordb
    • IP ASN
    • IP info
    • IP Whois
    • Whois

Project website

Download software

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