Wordlist Wireless AirStrike Wi-Fi WPA2 Cracker WPA2 Cracking

Tool that automates cracking of WPA-2 Wi-Fi credentials using client-server architecture


Airstrike uses Hashcat Brain Architecture, aircrack-ng suite, entr utility and some helper scripts.

You can use install.sh script to download all dependencies (if you're on system which has an access to apt or pacman, but if you're using Gentoo or Void Linux, you'd have to install hcxtools by hand, they're not available in their repos, or maybe I've missed something. Some other uncommon distros are not included, for example Alpine doesn't have hashcat package, but if you're distro is exotic, you can use Nix on that, all needed packages are in nixpkgs.)

If you're using Nix/NixOS, you can jump into Nix-Shell with needed dependencies with: nix-shell -p hashcat hashcat-utils aircrack-ng entr hcxtools


Run aircrack_server.sh on the machine on which you want to crack passwords. This script builds aircrack_client.sh file, which can be executed on any Linux host that is able to connect with the server started earlier. Upon execution, the client automatically captures handshakes, connects with the server and sends captured data.

Whenever a password is sucessfully cracked by the server, the watcher.sh script prints it out to terminal on the server side.

The only required option flag for airstrike_client.sh is the -w flag: it specifies the wordlist that should be used by the server. Listening interface can be specified with -i flag. By default, a current wireless interface is automatically selected. Additionally, airstrike_client.sh listens for WPA-2 data without any filter, so it will capture and crack all of the passwords of all Wi-Fi networks in range (whenever handshakes are exchanged).


Ctrl + S will send capturd assets (Wi-Fi hansdhakes in .hccapx form) to the server. Ctrl + I disaplays information about capture progress.

Above shortcuts can be used inside a running instance of airstrike_client.sh

made with love by Red Code Labs <*>

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