December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x Directory Traversal / File Write

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below suffer from an unauthenticated directory traversal file write vulnerability.

December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x Hardcoded Credentials

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below suffer from a hardcoded credential vulnerability.

December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x ICMP Flood Attack

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below allow an unauthenticated attacker to send network signals to an arbitrary target host that can be abused in an ICMP flooding attack. This includes the utilization of the ping, traceroute and nslookup co

December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x username SQL Injection

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below suffer from a username SQL injection vulnerability that allows for authentication bypass.

December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x password SQL Injection

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below suffer from a password SQL injection vulnerability that allows for authentication bypass.

December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x Disconnect Webmonitor User Denial Of Service

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below allows an unauthenticated attacker to disconnect the current monitoring user from listening/monitoring and takeover the radio stream on a specific channel.

December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x Insufficient Session Expiration

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below suffers from an insufficient session expiration vulnerability.

December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x Authorization Bypass

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below suffer from an authorization bypass due to an insecure direct object reference vulnerability.

December 15, 2022SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco 2.x Cross Site Request Forgery

SOUND4 IMPACT/FIRST/PULSE/Eco versions 2.x and below suffer from a cross site request forgery vulnerability.

December 15, 2022SOUND4 Server Service 4.1.102 Local Privilege Escalation

SOUND4 Server Service version 4.1.102 suffers from an unquoted search path issue impacting the service SOUND4 Server for Windows. This could potentially allow an authorized but non-privileged local user to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges o

  • All Exploits 4105
  • Remote Code Execution
  • SQL Injection
  • Command Injection
  • Local File Inclusion
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Denial Of Service
  • Authentication Bypass
  • Buffer Overflow