August 31, 2024Cablehaunt Cable Modem WebSocket Denial of Service

There exists a buffer overflow vulnerability in certain Cable Modem Spectrum Analyzer interfaces. This overflow is exploitable, but since an exploit would differ between every make, model, and firmware version (which also differs from ISP to ISP), this mo

August 31, 2024Sendmail SMTP Address prescan Memory Corruption

This is a proof of concept denial of service module for Sendmail versions 8.12.8 and earlier. The vulnerability is within the prescan() method when parsing SMTP headers. Due to the prescan function, only 0x5c and 0x00 bytes can be used, limiting the likel

August 31, 2024VSFTPD 2.3.2 Denial of Service

This Metasploit module triggers a Denial of Service condition in the VSFTPD server in versions before 2.3.3. So far, it has been tested on 2.3.0, 2.3.1, and 2.3.2.

August 31, 2024Solaris LPD Arbitrary File Delete

This Metasploit module uses a vulnerability in the Solaris line printer daemon to delete arbitrary files on an affected system. This can be used to exploit the rpc.walld format string flaw, the missing krb5.conf authentication bypass, or simply delete sys

August 31, 2024SAP SOAP EPS_DELETE_FILE File Deletion

This Metasploit module abuses the SAP NetWeaver EPS_DELETE_FILE function, on the SAP SOAP RFC Service, to delete arbitrary files on the remote file system. The module can also be used to capture SMB hashes by using a fake SMB share as DIRNAME.

August 31, 2024Avahi Source Port 0 Denial of Service

Avahi-daemon versions prior to 0.6.24 can be DoSd with an mDNS packet with a source port of 0.

August 31, 2024SMBLoris NBSS Denial of Service

The SMBLoris attack consumes large chunks of memory in the target by sending SMB requests with the NetBios Session Service(NBSS) Length Header value set to the maximum possible value. By keeping these connections open and initiating large numbers of these

August 31, ntpd Reserved Mode Denial of Service

This Metasploit module exploits a denial of service vulnerability within the NTP (network time protocol) demon. By sending a single packet to a vulnerable ntpd server (Victim A), spoofed from the IP address of another vulnerable ntpd server (Victim B), bo

August 31, 2024EMC CTA 10.0 Unauthenticated XXE Arbitrary File Read

EMC CTA v10.0 is susceptible to an unauthenticated XXE attack that allows an attacker to read arbitrary files from the file system with the permissions of the root user.

August 31, 2024vBulletin Password Collector via nodeid SQL Injection

This Metasploit module exploits a SQL injection vulnerability found in vBulletin 5 that has been used in the wild since March 2013. This Metasploit module can be used to extract the web applications usernames and hashes, which could be used to authenticat

  • All Exploits 4087
  • Remote Code Execution
  • SQL Injection
  • Command Injection
  • Local File Inclusion
  • Cross Site Scripting
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Denial Of Service
  • Authentication Bypass
  • Buffer Overflow